As a member of the Linc Service Network, Bassett Mechanical has the opportunity to attend a three-day continuing education conference that brings together nearly 700 Linc Service contractor personnel from around the world not only to honor many companies and individuals for their dedication and successes, but also to provide a forum for the elite group to discuss best practices within the commercial HVAC industry, including the latest energy-efficiency solutions.
Annually, Linc recognizes an individual selected by their executive staff to receive the Don Lehr Passion Award. Don Lehr worked for Linc for more than a quarter of a century, and was well known for his passion for Linc, his zest for life, loyalty and enthusiasm. After Don’s passing in 2008, Linc honors his memory by recognizing other individuals within the network who exhibit similar passion.
During this year’s event, the Don Lehr Passion Award was posthumously awarded to the late Darryl Daemmrich, former Vice President of Service at Bassett Mechanical.
On May 14th 2017, our Bassett family unexpectedly lost a leader, colleague, and long-time friend. Darryl Daemmrich had been with Bassett Mechanical since 1988 when he joined the Service department as a maintenance sales representative. Over his 29 years with Bassett, he continually grew in his career from sales representative to sales manager to general manager and ultimately was promoted to VP of Service in 2011. Darryl was instrumental in growing our Bassett Service business to be recognized as one of the top 10 companies in the nationwide Linc Service network.
Darryl was always a strong believer in his people; a secret recipe to great success. Darryl was a coach and mentor and his style of uplifting others with a “cup half-full mentality” is exactly what has brought his team to be the strong resilient team it is today. A team that strives to learn from his lasting legacy and boldly carry on – because that’s what Darryl would have expected of them.
Accepting the award in Darryl’s memory was Kim Bassett, President & CEO of Bassett Mechanical. Recipients of this award will have their names added to a plaque that is permanently displayed in the Linc Network Training Centers, reminding all who participate in Linc Service training that passion lives on through the legacy of award recipients like Darry Daemmrich.